Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales for Investigative Agency

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales for Investigative Agency

The Client

Client based in USA, provides various kinds of investigative services to its customers. Their employees move out in the field, perform investigations and provide their observations. Some of the investigators are employees and some are contractors.

The Challenge

The investigators that the client employed would have to send the photos via emails and mention what the photos were about. The client’s employees would manually download the photos, place them in a word document and then add the information that the invesigators supplied.

The Solution

We added a page in Power Pages portal that allowed the investigators to upload the photos and there information about those photos. These photos would be stored on a SharePoint location. A plugin would fire which would take these photos and the information related to those photos from the related table and place these into a word document. A document template was used to create the initial word document and the information related to those images would be placed below the images.

Other features

  • Configured multiple Power Pages.
  • Created a document merge functionality using Azure functionalities.
  • Automated email sending processes through workflows and plugins.
  • Created an easy to use, custom interface on Power Pages.
  • As one among multiple teams, added multiple functionalities into Dynamics 365 Sales making sure the work of other teams is not disturbed.

The Result

The implementation significently reduced the efforts of the client’s employees which saved a lot of time which in turn could be used for other more important tasks. It also allowed independent investigators to share their photos and other information without requiring a full fledged license which resulted in significent cost savings for the customer.