COVID-19 Outbreak Analysis

The Challenge

The year 2020 started on a bitter note as COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) outbreak started from Wuhan, China slowly spread across the world. With no vaccination and cure available for the virus, the victims entirely relied on their immune system, causing more than 8000 deaths in the first three months of the outbreak.
Thus, we decided to put all the numbers and stats available across various sources and create a report which not only summarizes all the fact data into a well-arranged dashboard, increasing the understandability and value of the data, but also provides all the latest news about the outbreak from major sources around the globe, and spreads awareness.

The Solution

We put together and integrated multiple web resources and APIs available which provide tabular data regarding the issue. To make sure that the end-user easily understands the message we are trying to convey through this dashboard, we narrowed down to a set of data sources and APIs we will be using for this report. An appealing yet neat dashboard was then produced providing various statistical analyses about the impact of COVID-19 on various countries.

The report covers the following topics about the pandemic issue:

  • Total cases, recoveries, and deaths around the world break down by country and date
  • Statistical ratios of base figures to identify the situation across countries
  • Easily identify worst/less hit regions
  • Specifically, highlight how the situation can be easily contained with proper precautions
  • Compare the statistics of other countries with China, which was the source of the outbreak
  • Give a basic understanding of symptoms and precautions to be taken to avoid infection

The Extra Mile

Along with providing regularly updated statistical data, we also used Web APIs to display the latest news from across the globe regarding the issue. These news articles were harvested from reputed news sources around the globe. This way the end user stays updated with the latest developments regarding the COVID-19 outbreak and its impacts on the society and economy.

Also, we specifically decide to highlight how the recovery ratio is way higher compared to the death ratio, putting out a message that there is little to worry about the pandemic outbreak if proper precautions are taken and protocols are followed.