Author: InkeyINKEY is your solution partner.
Our focus is to deliver you in-time intelligent innovative solutions ("key") for the problems in hand. Maintaining a quality standard right from the inception of a project is our top most priority.
Our team of talented professionals will execute your projects with dedication and excellence. We take ownership and accountability for the effort that goes into meeting our client’s needs.
Years of experience and proven success of delivering innovative custom solutions.
Copying environment variables from one environment to another using SQL query
Inkey, October 7, 20223180 Views
As any developer, one always follows the cycle of deployment using different environments, i.e., DEV (for development phase or the underground lab) -> UAT (for testing phase or Racoon city) -> PROD (for real-time application or the world). In SSIS also, we are able to deploy the same SSIS package in 3 different environments, but […]
Read moreMicrosoft SQL Server > Find a specific value in all the tables of a database using T-SQL
Inkey, September 2, 202235351 Views
Often times we find ourselves in a situation where we want to find a particular value but we are unaware of its whereabouts, i.e., we don’t know in which table or column this value is present. Or we want to know in which other tables a particular value is present. Or just if this value […]
Read moreIntroducing Power Pages!
Inkey, August 20, 20221895 Views
Microsoft Power Pages is a part of the Microsoft Power Platform family. It is an evolution of Power Apps portals. The new features included are the new design studio. The templates are in preview for users to try and provide feedback. We can expect general availability of the Power Pages by next year. We can […]
Read moreHow to quickly match data of two recordsets in SQL Server?
Inkey, August 10, 20222566 Views
While working with T-SQL, many times we create complex queries, and then we might need to optimize them at some later point of time to reduce the execution time. This activity always demands an approach to compare data for the older and newer version of the T-SQL. And here comes the question – how do […]
Read morePower BI > How to identify referenced Measures and Columns in Model – II
Inkey, July 8, 20222795 Views
In the earlier blog post, we stated how to identify referenced measures or columns, i.e. whether they are used in other measures or not. If you haven’t visited the blog post, please click here. It is a very useful blog, especially in the big Power BI models. But this won’t be helpful when we would […]
Read moreDownload Large SharePoint Files From PowerApps Portal
Inkey, June 27, 20222708 Views
A while ago, one of our clients gave us a vexing problem. They had a lot of rather large files, nearly 1 GB in size, stored in their SharePoint server. They wanted to allow their customers to be able to download these files from the company portal. The portal was the PowerApps Portal. But then, […]
Read morePower BI > How to identify referenced Measures and Columns in Model – I
Inkey, June 24, 20227643 Views
Most of the time, while updating the existing model, it’s hard to identify which measures or columns are being used in report visualization and which are referring to other measures or columns. Many times, while developing a report, there are frequent changes in the requirements and we need to modify/update the data model accordingly, which […]
Read moreLow code! No Code! Then why code?
Inkey, June 6, 20221671 Views
The no code/low code options are coming in, nice and easy. They don’t always make a big splash like the newest JavaScript framework. They don’t always give the open-source crowd nose bleeds that the newest JavaScript framework/newest language/newest stack/newest update of their favorite framework would do. The hard-core developers would scoff at these solutions especially […]
Read moreMigrate Audit records from Dynamics 365 CRM to Azure SQL Server
Inkey, May 12, 20223503 Views
Storage space comes at a premium in Dynamics 365 world. So, we need to manage it carefully and aggressively. When audit is enabled, the space it occupies creeps up steadily and silently and we only notice it when we get a message from Microsoft telling us we have run out of storage space. So, a […]
Read moreNew Alternative of Navigate() function on App.StartScreen and App.OnStart in Canvas apps
Inkey, May 5, 20226026 Views
We were facing some issue when writing code of Navigation in App.StartScreen and App.OnStart of App within PowerApps. It is widely used for the initialization of global variables, prefetching of data into collections, and to determine which screen should be shown first. By default, the first screen shown when an app starts is the first […]
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