Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a powerful Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution that offers a wide range of customization options to meet the unique needs of your business. One such customization is to create a custom job queue to create Sales order from Purchase order in Business Central. A job queue in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a feature that allows you to schedule and automate tasks to be executed in the background. This can be anything from data synchronization to custom code execution. By creating a custom job queue, you can automate specific business processes, like the conversion of purchase orders to sales orders.
We recently encountered a requirement where we regularly receive purchase orders and we need to convert these into sales orders for the customers. Instead of doing this manually, we can create a custom job queue to handle the conversion process automatically.
In Dynamics 365 Business Central, To create a custom job queue for converting purchase orders to sales orders, follow these implementation steps:
Step 1: Create a Custom Report in AL
report 50100 VAS_PurchaseOrder { UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis; ApplicationArea = All; ProcessingOnly = true; UseRequestPage = false; // DefaultRenderingLayout = LayoutName; dataset { dataitem("Purchase Header"; "Purchase Header") { // RequestFilterFields = "No."; DataItemTableView = where("Is_Canceled" = const(false),"CAU Accptance Ref. No." = filter(<> '')); // DataItemTableView = where("Document Type" = const(Order)); dataitem("Purchase Line"; "Purchase Line") { DataItemLink = "Document No." = field("No."); trigger OnAfterGetRecord() var myInt: Integer; SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; PurchaseHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; begin if ("Purchase Header"."Document Type" = "Purchase Header"."Document Type"::Order) then begin SalesHeader.INIT(); // Try to find an existing sales order for the same purchase order IF NOT SalesHeader.GET("Purchase Header"."Document Type", "Purchase Header"."No.") THEN BEGIN // Populate sales header from purchase header SalesHeader."Document Type" := "Purchase Header"."Document Type"::Order; SalesHeader."No." := "Purchase Header"."No."; SalesHeader.Validate("Sell-to Customer No.",'F00030'); SalesHeader."Sell-to Customer Name" := 'Sam'; SalesHeader.SourceId := "Purchase Header".SourceId; SalesHeader.SourceName := "Purchase Header".SourceName; SalesHeader."Sell-to Address" := "Purchase Header"."Buy-from Address"; SalesHeader."Sell-to City" := "Purchase Header"."Buy-from City"; SalesHeader."Sell-to County" := "Purchase Header"."Buy-from County"; SalesHeader."Sell-to Post Code" := "Purchase Header"."Buy-from Post Code"; SalesHeader."Sell-to Country/Region Code" := "Purchase Header"."Buy-from Country/Region Code"; SalesHeader."Sell-to Contact" := "Purchase Header"."Buy-from Contact"; SalesHeader."Sell-to Contact No." := "Purchase Header"."Buy-from Contact No."; SalesHeader."Ship-to Address" := "Purchase Header"."Ship-to Address"; SalesHeader."Ship-to City" := "Purchase Header"."Ship-to City"; SalesHeader."Ship-to Code" := "Purchase Header"."Ship-to Code"; SalesHeader."Ship-to Contact" := "Purchase Header"."Ship-to Contact"; SalesHeader."Ship-to Country/Region Code" := "Purchase Header"."Ship-to Country/Region Code"; SalesHeader."Ship-to County" := "Purchase Header"."Ship-to County"; SalesHeader."Ship-to Name" := "Purchase Header"."Ship-to Name"; SalesHeader."Ship-to Post Code" := "Purchase Header"."Ship-to Post Code"; SalesHeader."Shipment Method Code" := "Purchase Header"."Shipment Method Code"; SalesHeader.Validate("Bill-to Customer No.",'F00030'); SalesHeader.Validate("Location Code","Purchase Header"."Location Code"); SalesHeader.Validate("VAT Bus. Posting Group","Purchase Header"."VAT Bus. Posting Group"); SalesHeader."Reference Origin ID" := "Purchase Header"."Reference Origin ID"; SalesHeader."External Document No." := "Purchase Header"."Reference Origin ID"; SalesHeader."Due Date" := WorkDate() + 1; // Insert the sales header SalesHeader.INSERT(); SalesLine.Reset(); SalesLine.SETRANGE("Document Type", SalesHeader."Document Type"); SalesLine.SETRANGE("Document No.", SalesHeader."No."); SalesLine.SETRANGE("Line No.", "Purchase Line"."Line No."); // Check if the sales line already exists IF SalesLine.FindSet() THEN BEGIN // Sales line exists, update it or skip it based on your logic SalesLine.Description := "Purchase Line".Description; SalesLine."Unit of Measure Code" := "Purchase Line"."Unit of Measure Code"; SalesLine.Validate(Quantity,"Purchase Line".Quantity); SalesLine."Unit Price" := "Purchase Line"."Unit Cost" + ("Purchase Line"."Unit Cost" * 0.03); SalesLine.Validate("Location Code","Purchase Line"."Location Code"); SalesLine.Validate("Line Amount","Purchase Line"."Line Amount" + ("Purchase Line"."Line Amount" * 0.03)); SalesLine.Validate("Gen. Prod. Posting Group","Purchase Line"."Gen. Prod. Posting Group"); SalesLine.Validate("Gen. Bus. Posting Group","Purchase Line"."Gen. Bus. Posting Group"); SalesLine.Validate("Qty. to Ship","Purchase Line"."Qty. to Receive"); SalesLine.Validate("Qty. to Invoice","Purchase Line"."Qty. to Invoice"); SalesLine.Validate("VAT Bus. Posting Group","Purchase Line"."VAT Bus. Posting Group"); SalesLine.Modify(true); END ELSE BEGIN SalesLine.Init(); // Sales line doesn't exist, create a new sales line SalesLine."Document Type" := SalesHeader."Document Type"; SalesLine."Document No." := SalesHeader."No."; SalesLine."Line No." := "Purchase Line"."Line No."; SalesLine.Validate("Sell-to Customer No.",SalesHeader."Sell-to Customer No."); SalesLine."Type" := SalesLine."Type"::Item; SalesLine.Validate("No.","Purchase Line"."No."); SalesLine.Description := "Purchase Line".Description; SalesLine."Unit of Measure Code" := "Purchase Line"."Unit of Measure Code"; SalesLine.Validate(Quantity,"Purchase Line".Quantity); SalesLine."Unit Price" := "Purchase Line"."Unit Cost" + ("Purchase Line"."Unit Cost" * 0.03); SalesLine.Validate("Location Code","Purchase Line"."Location Code"); SalesLine.Validate("Line Amount","Purchase Line"."Line Amount" + ("Purchase Line"."Line Amount" * 0.03)); SalesLine.Validate("Gen. Prod. Posting Group","Purchase Line"."Gen. Prod. Posting Group"); SalesLine.Validate("Gen. Bus. Posting Group","Purchase Line"."Gen. Bus. Posting Group"); SalesLine.Validate("Qty. to Ship","Purchase Line"."Qty. to Receive"); SalesLine.Validate("Qty. to Invoice","Purchase Line"."Qty. to Invoice"); SalesLine.Validate("VAT Bus. Posting Group","Purchase Line"."VAT Bus. Posting Group"); // SalesLine."Line Amount" := "Purchase Line"."Line Amount" * 1.03; SalesLine.Insert(true); END; // SalesLine.Modify(true); PurchaseHeader.GET("Purchase Header"."Document Type", "Purchase Header"."No."); PurchaseHeader.Sales_Reference_No := SalesHeader."No."; PurchaseHeader.Modify(true); // SalesHeader.Modify(true); END; END; end; } } } }
Step 2: Publish and Install the Extension
Step 3: Create a Custom Job Queue Entry
Step 4: Set Up Job Queue Parameters
Step 5: Test the Customization
Creating a custom job queue to automatically convert purchase orders to sales orders in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can greatly streamline your business processes and increase efficiency. This solution allows you to automate the conversion process, saving time and reducing manual errors. By following the implementation steps outlined in this guide, you can build a custom job queue using AL code to handle the conversion seamlessly. The custom report is designed to retrieve purchase order data, initiate sales orders, and manage the data transfer and transformation.
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