Enhancements in the New Card Visual in Power BI
WebSiteAdmin, March 19, 2024769 Views
Microsoft is always keen to bring new updates to its reporting service Power BI. Because, it has a wide user base and makes it easy for the report viewers and data analysts to easily dive into their data and analyze it. This also makes the report developers happy because they find it easy to show their creativity off to the user.
Previously, Power BI came with a card visual which was used to display an entity. After that, an update came with a new visual called Multi row card where multiple entities could be shown line by line.
The New Card Visual:
Now in the latest update, Microsoft has come up with enhancements in the new card visuals which includes the following:
- Accent bar
- Improved Reference labels layout
- Tabular layout style
- Divider
- Image
Accent Bar:
Accent Bar is a sleek line appearing on the side you choose for the cards which makes the visual more appealing and the values become easily distinguishable.
Have a look at this image and see how the accent bar can make a simple card visual outshine other visuals.
To add this bar, go to visualization pane, then in the card section you’ll find Accent Bar.
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Reference Labels Layout:
Reference labels are some extra details that you can add to your visual as per the need. You can either add these details below the card or at the right side of the card.
The layout can also be arranged as row and columns, further the column layout does not have any other styles, but the row layout has other styles namely, sentence and tabular.
The divider is a line which separates the card and reference labels. It can be added from the visualization pane as well. It comes with three styles namely solid, dashed and dotted.
This is the how the visual looks like after adding reference labels and divider:
We can even add an image to enhance the visual more! Let’s say we need to add the image of the flag of a country which has the maximum value in the individual card.
This can be done from the visualization pane as shown in the below screenshot.
We can do this in two ways, Image and Image URL. The Image URL can also be made dynamic by using a measure.
The latest Power BI update introduces enhancements to the card visual, including accent bars for visual distinction, improved reference label layouts, customizable dividers, and image integration. These additions offer users greater flexibility in presenting data and creating visually appealing reports, enhancing the overall user experience and analytical capabilities within the platform.
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