How to preserve Modified By and Modified On fields during Migration in Dynamics 365 for Sales

In this blog I’ll be taking you over how to preserve “Modified On” and “Modified By” fields during migration or data import. Generally, when we migrate the data, the records’ “Modified On” field value takes system local time and in the “Modified By” field it takes Current logged in User. But our requirement is when… Continue reading How to preserve Modified By and Modified On fields during Migration in Dynamics 365 for Sales

Execute a plugin in the context of the logged in user or calling user or SYSTEM user in Microsoft Dynamics 365

Many a times, in Microsoft dynamics CRM, we may want to execute some part of the plugin as logged in user or calling user(As mentioned in plugin step registration) or SYSTEM user. Today, in this blog, I will explain the UserId and InitiatingUserID properties of the iPuginExecutionContext, which are used for getting the user id,… Continue reading Execute a plugin in the context of the logged in user or calling user or SYSTEM user in Microsoft Dynamics 365

Concurrency Control – Prevent multiple users from modifying the same record at the same time.

The Dynamics CRM is used by multiple users. So, the possibility of multiple users trying to update the same record at a time is very high. In such situation, changes made by the latest user will be saved. This results into inconsistent data, when the same fields are updated by the users at the same… Continue reading Concurrency Control – Prevent multiple users from modifying the same record at the same time.